Tuesday, March 19, 2013

References for natural plant phenotypes

Our March 18 meeting with John DeLisle of Southeast Michigan Chapter of Wild Ones was a great success. However, many people wanted the list of references that DeLisle posted at the end of his presentation.

Here are the references DeLisle cited:

Nursery catalogs: Prairie Nursery, www.prairienursery.com
Native Connections, www.nativeconnections.net

Packard Stephen, and Cornelia Mutel, eds. 1997. The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook for Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands. This book is the bible of restorationists, but it's accessible to beginners.
Prairies and Savannas of Michigan, Cohen, et.al

Darke, Rick. 2002. The American Woodland Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the Deciduous Forest

Cwikiel, Wilfred. 1996. Living with Michigan's Wetlands: A Landowner's Guide.

Bringing Nature Home by Doug Tallamy and Birdscaping for the Midwest, by Mariette Nowak.

Resources on the web

How to:

Michigan Native Plant Producers: http://www.mnppa.org
Michigan Butterfly Association: sembabutterfly.com
Detroit Audubon: http://detroitaudubon.org/media/landscaping-for_birds.pdf
Rain gardens -- SOCWA: http://www.socwa.org/documents/nature/RainGardenBrochure'09.pdf
Native Plants at Home: Wildones.org
Michigan Natural Features Inventory: mnfi.anr.msu.edu
Native Plant Profiles, University of Michigan Herbarium: wildflower.org or michiganflora.net
Native Plants for Pollinators, Ecosystem System Services and Sustainable Sites: native plants.msu.edu

Let's spread the word about the benefits of planting natives!

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